Friday, 27 March 2009


There are days that you wish you could just smoke crack with Origen. This is one of mine. :(

Can we start skipping the month of March entirely (eta, except Stan's birthday for those in Stan's world)??


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute!

I was born in March!

May sunshine be just around the corner for you.

Char said...

Sorry Stan. We can keep that day just for you if you want-I hope you had a great birthday whenever it was.

If smoking crack could make universalism true as Origen seemed to think, I wouldn't be so against it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your generosity. ;)

Charlene said...
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Char said...

Joe we're not on theologica now. So this means I don't have to deal with your crap. I will delete everything you post. So do yourself a favour and grow up and get a life. Leave me the hell out of it.

Unknown said...

For serious, I was born in March too.

Anonymous said...

Rey: We March babies must stick together.

Char: If someone needs a butt whippin', all you have to do is give me a name and address.

Char said...

Thanks Stan :)