Monday, 26 November 2007

Here I Am

Take Me In, felt-tipped marker and watercolour wash.

I like this one. I maintained from the start that it would depict a coal in a golden tong, but the deco/cubist look evolved in my mind over sketches until it became this in the last rendering. I was altering the design to the end. I am annoyed that my favorite grey brush marker has dried out, so I had to go with the next lightest for the lines in the background, and I don't like that grey as much.
I did the final rendering at work, because the full moon is past and the psych patients behaved themselves!


mem said...

This is one of the first songs that got my Mom sort of liking Petra. My parents weren't too fond of the Rock'n'Roll thing, and TRCO was the CD that sort of tipped the scales in my favor. Well done. And it's your turn. I triple-checked to make sure.

mem said...

I like it better than any of the other praise records, but it does earn Petra the dubious honor of starting the rock'n'roll P&W genre, basically. Which I loathe.

You live in places where preserves really aren't necessary—the reason that they live next to a "preserve" is because there are LOTS of people around.

We have all those foods all the time. What's wrong with you that you only have them at holidays? Everyone knows that pumpkin pie is the only real food anyway.

You have much better, uh, thingywords, than I do. What can you do with cyceibf? It seems like some sort of tour de france loser boyfriend or something.

mem said...

Also, the song was indeed terrific and perfectly sung. Thanks for that. I think.