Saturday, 13 October 2007

Petra is the BGM of the Rest of My Life Too

For my auntie; this is the way one of my mail art friends folded the zine she created, which I find easier to demonstrate than explain. I thought it was ingenious. The most work would be in setting up the original to be copied.


Sarah said...

Awesome one-handed folding skillz!

mem said...

Yes, quite rockin. I was expecting you to sound like you were from Ohio boonies with a Canadian / southron accent, but you don't. You did, however, use the phrase "ya know" instead of "um." Which is distinctly Canadian. And you otherwise used no "uh-words" the whole time. Inarticulate my ass.

mem said...

And I'm diggin the J&H action in the background.

mem said...

Also, when you were counting the pages, you made a very passable David-Duchovny-impersonating-Jeff-Goldblum impersonation.

mem said...

So why didn't you say, "Take six" before you started?

And I'm glad the pie you stole from my mouth tasted better than the pie you gave to the rugrats. Serves them right!

mem said...

Yeah, I know you hate that, and that's exactly why I did it. I guess I could change it back.

But I want more pie.

mem said...

Dude. So I was randomly wandering on Youtube, and I found this, which you totally trumped.